29 August 2009
bOohOo my hEllO kiTTy mAhjOng sEt LV lAst niTe at chAlEt lE..
sOo kE liAn~
27 August 2009
sEe my dArliNg jOey sOo swEet..
wrOte ii lUrvE eUu wiTh tHe vEggie stAlk..
sOo cUte..
ii lUrvE hEr!
hAas hEre aRe tHe stUff my gOod frEn trEat mE..
aCtUaLLy gOt mOre lAa bUt nv tAke piC..
RaiNbOw 5
bLuEcOraL miLksHaKe
bLuEbErry lOngAn
biRdnEst ^^
mAngO tArt
jAp sEt mEal
DiM sUm
sAtAys, bEer eTc..
SiNs chOcOlAte ^^
hAndmAde sAndwiCh
hOhO! jUx cAuGht 1 BiG fiSh!
yEa cAn gO hOme lE lOh..^^
hAas gOt 1 cUstOmEr sAy cAn ii tiNk bOut it fiRst?
ii wAs liKe cAn ii sAy nO?
wiErd riGht aSk mE tiS kiNda qUeStiOn..
sOo dUmb..
hAas tiNk wOrkiNg wiTh my AttitUde lidAt,
sUre my bOsS wiLL trEat mE eAt friEd cUttLefiSh..
bUt tOo lAte lAa..
ii aLr trEat thEm eAt lE..
hAas yTd at aMk hOrr..
gOt 1 aUnty fAll dOwn frOm tHe stAirs lEh..
iTs liKe mOre tHan 5stEps lEh..
sOo pAin!!!
sOo kE liAn~
bUt ii wAs hEsitAtiNg tO gO hElp hEr up, dUnNo wHy..
ii bEt if it wAs EdwiN hE'll sUre hElp..^^
hEex dEn iN tHe EvEniNg, gOt 1 gUy cUstOmEr wAnNa bUy a OrAnGe shAdEs,
hE aSk mE tO gEt hiM a nEw piEce mAa..
dEn ii chEck lE dOnt hAve ii sAy: OrAnGe oNe dOnt hAve lE, OnLy lEft wHitE dE..
cUstOmer: wHy eUu didNt diSplAy tHe wHitE One Out?
mE: cOx nO spAce tO diSplAy mA..hAas
cUstOmEr: wA eUu sAy lidAt lAtA cOmplAin tO yOur bOsS *jOkiNgLy*
mE: Oo sHe's jUx bEhiNd mE ^^
23 August 2009
hEex mEet my BFFs at bEach rOad aFtEr wOrk
hEad tO ciRcUit rOad & did sOmE cAtchiNg Up ^^
rAiNiNg sOo hEaviLy lAst niTe tiLL wE gOt stUck UndEr tHe vOid dEck 5am dEn rEach hOme lOrr *yAwns*
lAtA frEe dEn UplOad lAst niTe's piCtUres kAess..
ii lUrve my BFFs!
^^ OuR cAmwhOriNg NiTe ^^

BefOre AftEr
AftEr mAke-OvEr..Haaas xp
22 August 2009
jUx nOw Jx aSk mE gO wAtch mOviee..
o.O bUt mOviEee iS sOoo nOt my aCtivity wOrr..
hE sAid dEn sHd ii briNg eUu tO pUb?
ii wAs liKe O.O
ii stiLL hAviNg hAngOvEr lEh..
aNywAy tHx fOr tHe iNvitAtiOn hEex ^^
im sOooo sOoooo sOooo tiRed..
sOoo cOld sOoo hUnGry..
aNd my shOrts iS sOoo lOose..
ArGh, fOrgOt tO wEar bElt Zzzz..
jUx rEach wOrk OnLy..
hAaas sUpEr lAte..
*yAwns yAwns yAwns*
20 August 2009
tOdAy's tHe 1st dAy Of hUngRy ghOst fEstivAl Oo
dOnt lEt tHe ghOst cAtCh eUu aR~
gOo hOmEe eArly~
slEep eArLy~
dOnt stAre iNtO tHe mirrOr tOo lOng~
dOnt lOok UndEr yOur bEd~
dOnt gOo sWiMmiNg!
lAta sOmeOne puLL puLL yOur lEg! Eeeek!
dOnt nOtti nOtti rUn tO OCH hOrr!
dOnt tUrn yOur hEad whEn sOmeOne caLLs yOur nAme~*sHivErs*
dOnt aNyhOw pOiNt pOiNt stEp stEp liKe mE ar..
tAatAa gOod lUck iN sEeiNg ghOst yA!
My mind tells me to give up,but my heart won't let me.
Sometimes you can't see the pain someone feels.
I sit here crying,
not because I miss you,
but because I know I'll never have a chance to hurt you
like you hurt me.
I'm gonna draw a picture,
a picture with a twist.
I'll draw it with a razor blade,
I'll draw it on my wrist.
It only hurts when you start
pretending it doesn't..
Don't ever give up if you still want to try,
Don't ever wipe your tears if you still want to cry.
Don't ever settle for an answer if you still want to know.
Don't ever say you don't love him if you can't let him go
I thought I'd forget you, but I guess I forgot to.
*EmO iNvAdiNg hAas*
18 August 2009
If iT's wrOnG tO lUrVe eUu
dEn my hEaRt jUx wOnt lEt mE bE RiGht
cOx ii've drOwNed iN eUu
& ii wOnt puLL thru
wiThOut eUu by my side
hEr fEeLiNgs sHe HidEs
hEr drEaMs sHe cAnt fiNd
sHe's lOsiNg hEr miNd
sHe's faLLeN bEhiNd
tAts whErE sHe liEs brOkEn iNsidE
16 August 2009

15 August 2009
my mOst eXpEnsiVe diNnEr hAas..
cOst almOst $60 lOrr..
jAp fOod & biRdnEst wOrr..gOsh~
my gOod frEn bUy fOr mE dE hEex..
sOo swEet riTee xp