30 July 2009
My gOod fRen gib mE 1 biG bOx Of sTrAw hEarts aT my 17th bdAy..swEet riTe xp
29 July 2009
tOday tHe spEctacLe kOrkOr aSk mAggiE tO iNtrO mE tO hiM xp
mAggiE dOnt wAn iNtrO hAahAa..
sHe sAy hE nOt iNnOcEnt eNuff fOr mE xp
sHe sOo cUte! ^^
aFtEr wOrk wEnt fOr sUppEr wiTh my gOod fReN..
gO eAst cOast bUddEn iN tHe eNd bEcOme driNk..
fiRst tiMe dRiNk tiS: flaming lamborghini
my fOne bAtt fLat! dEn didNt cAptUre tHe flAmiNg pArt T_T
my fiRst tiMe wiTh lamborghini xp
tHe bArtEndEr tRyiNg tO liGht up tHe dRiNk..hiS hAnd sO tHe hAiry xp
Oops xp
23 July 2009
sOo bOred tiLL ii kEep tAkiNg piCtUres T_T
sOoo cUteee!
sOoo piNk!
swEet riGht..
tHe rOse likE EdibLe dE *YuMmy!*
kAwAii nEh!
tiS qUite spEciaL..
cAn uSe aS a brOach tOo!
My fAv cOlOur!
mAtchiNg wiTh my Hp StrAp!

OOooo ii wAn tiS bAg frOm FLY!
sOo sHiNy~
$43.90 (CL50489)
All tiS ii wAn!!!!
ii WaNna eAt fRuit tArts frOm fRuit pArAdiSe!!!
ii wAnNa eAt SalmOn & mUshrOom pAsta frOm sWeNseNs!!!
ii wAnNa eAt Unagi ChAwAnMusHi, fRiEd tOfu & GyOza frOm sAkAe!!!
ii wAnNa dRiNk CaRamEl Macchiato frOm tUlly's CoffEe!!!
ii wAnNa dRiNk blUe cOraL miLk sHaKe frOm sWeEt taLk!!!
ii wAnNa dRiNk cOrn sOup frOm mOs bUrgEr!!!
All tiS ii alsO wAn!!!
eUu pAy!!!
hEex ^^
9.30 lE..
yEah cAn gO hOme sOon!!!
kAes tAatAA!!!
rEmb tHe tiNgs ii wAn aR! xp
xp yTd ii gOt frEe IcE CrEam vOuchEr! xp
hEex mE & mAggiE nv giB cUstOmEr tHeir rEcEipt
dEn wE gO rEdEem fReE Ice cReAm! xp
hEex bAd hOrr..
bUt nvm lAa, mAny ppL alsO lidAt dE..
yUmmy! edvidence lEft bEhiNd tHe sCenE..xp
dEn wE bOught 2 innEr bEauty eAch xpiTs sUper kAwaii!
sHe sAy wEar iNsidE alsO nObOdy sEe mAa..
lOls trUe lAa..bUt ii rEaLLy likE it sOo mUch! ^^

My 2 kAwaii iNNeR bEaUty ^^
bOught a cArd holdEr frOm hEr wAllEt shOp,dEn sHe gib mE a fReE Hp pOuch!
sOo gOod! ii lUrvEe hEr! xp

See ii gOt tiS 2 fOr Only $7.20! hEex chEap riTeeee!
liNda bUy fOr mE dE hP strAp ^^
AuNty jEsS bUy fOr mE dE hP stRap ^^
sMs AuNty jEss tHe sAleS, sHe sAy sAleS sOo bAd T_T
ii alsO nO chOice dE mAa..
rEach wOrkpLaCe tOo EarLy lE..
sO cOme blOg blOg..
sHhhhh..dOnt teLL aR..
kAes gOtta gOooooo..
21 July 2009
I lUrvEee MysElf sOo mUch!!!
*sEe evEn fEet alsO wAnna tAke xp*
15 July 2009
wHy PpL caLL mE bArbiE dOll?
nOt cOx im aS pRetty aS tHeM lEh..
tiS niCknAmE is frOm aLeX lOrr..
hE blOody heLL..
say im mAdE Of pLaStiC..
dEn eVeRytiMe siNg tHe bArbiE giRl sOng..
tHe sOng is likE tiS:
im a bArbiE giRl
in bArbiE wOrLd..
im mAde Of pLaStiC,
iTs fAntAstiC..
eUu cAn tOuch my bReaSt
& tOuCh mE eVerywHeRe..
im mAde Of pLaStiC,
iTs fAntAstiC..
sOb sOb buLLy mE lOrr..
dEn evErytiMe ppL aSk mE wHy lidAt
ii'LL bE liKe Reluctant tO aNs..
iTs liKe WTH nOt aGn..
obviOusLy iS iNhEritAted riTeeee..
cUriOusiTy kiLLs a cAt eUu knOw..
tAts tHe wAy ii aM lAa kAes..
tAts it ii gUeSs
lOls rEach tOo eArLy fOr wOrk lE..
sittiNg at tHe cOmfy cOuCh xp
jiAn XiOng mEetiNg mE fOr diNneR tOday xp
dEn aFteR wOrk kbOx wiF MeL & rUrU dArliNgs!

whAt sHe lOok fOr in a gUy:
taLL, ard 1.69m-1.85m taLL
gOod liSteNer
fAithfuL Of cOx
bE DeCiSivE
abLe tO giB mE a sEnSe Of sEcUrity
shAre tHe sAme iNtEreSt
abLe tO aCcept hEr fOr whO shE is
went shOppiNg!
bOught a fEw sTuFF OnLy lEh T_T
cOx tiS mOnth dE pAy sUpEr pAtHetiC..
sOb sOb~
fiNaLLy my hEllOkiTTy pErfUme! $15.95
My piNk dOlphiN kEycHaiN!gOt sOund dE lEh, vEry cUte dE lOrr
& alsO gOt blUe liGht xp
My nEw tAmpOn..nEw brAnd hOrr..
lOls iTs abit chEaper
tHan wAt ii nOrmaLLy uSe lA
tiNk oNly $5+
13 July 2009
06 July 2009
wOrkiNg aT OrchArd cEntraL..
sOooo tiRed sOoo sLeEpy..
wEnt tO bUy my lUnch cUm diNnEr xp
dEn sHun biAn gO shOppiNg!! xp
wEnt pUnkstAr tO bUy my piNk shiRt,
dEn tHe saLes pErsOn sAy 2nd piEce gOt 20% diScOunt xp
sOoo ii bOught 2 pieCe!!
ii rEaliSe hOrr ii didnt lOck tHe fittiNg rOom dOor lEh!!!
sHiit lOrr..
lUcky ii nv tAke Out my clOthes xp
ii Only tRy tHe shiRt oVer my tube dRess..
bOught bAllerina nEcklAce frOm my shOp!
40% diScOunt!
iTs sUpeR sWeEt, jUx liKe mE!
mEt tiS cRazy bUddhA cUstOmEr,
chAt wiTh mE bOut bUddhA tiNgy lEh,
ii wAs liKe wTh??
cHat wiTh mE bOut shOppiNg nVm lAa..
bUddhA?? wAts tAt? cAn eAt anOt? xp
chlOe dArliNg aSk mE cOme iN heLp hEr fiNd stUff,
hAas aCtUaLLy sHe dOnt wAn mE tO sErvE tAt cRazy gUy..
hE bOught eArriNgs lEh..Omg..
nOt sAy gUys cannOt wEar eArriNgs lAa..
jUx tAt my shOp seLLiNg lAdies aCceSsoRies lEh..
stiLL aSk mE tO hElp hiM wEar eArriNgs..Eee
stiLL lEave hiS cOntAct aSk mE tO caLL hiM..Eeewww
mEet jiAn xiOng fOr diNnEr at bEdOk xp
hE trEat mE eAt KFC!
oMg fAt fAt fAt!
hE's sO sWeEet lOrr..
hE bOugHt mE my fAv cAndieS!
sEe sO cUte..
piGgy dE..

aFteR diNner, wEnt TampiNes One wiNdOw shOpping xp
hE sAy hiS 1st tiMe gib mE lE..
Oops nO ii mEan hiS 1st tiMe at tAmpiNes One lAa!!
nOt tAt kiNda 1st tiMe eUu knOw..
wEnt aRcadE..hE pLay tHe gRab gRab tiNgy
& hE gOt mE a pOoh bEar!
sOo lUcky sOo cUte!
aFt aRcAde wE gO homE..^ ^