27 June 2009
mEetiNg tiMe: 5.30pm
vEnUe: BuGis
my aRRiVaL: 5.45pm
my dArLiNgs: MeL, RuRu & hOuyu
HaPPy BiRthdAy dArliNg!
All tHe bEst iN eVeRythiNg!
StAy hAppy StAy cUte aLwAx!
wEnt CGH fOr aPPoiNtmEnt & rEmOvaL Of stiTchEs!
sUpEr sCared!
aPpOiNtmEnt wAs at 3.50pm
ii wAs LiKe sHivEriNg whiLe wAitiNg lOrr..
dEn stiLL gOtta wEar tHe sTupid mAsk
my mUmmy sAy ii sUpEr lAme lOrr T_T
wEnt kbOx wiTh mEl dArLiNg! ^^
hAvEn rEmOve my stiTchEs yEt T_T
siNg lE abit pAin bUt ii eNjOyed mySeLf!
MeL sO hAppy ii Hit hEr..lOls
eUu sEe ii bUlly mEl, tAke hAlf Of hEr fAce oNi, sO kE liAn.. *oOps sHe cRy lE*
*dOnt cRy lE MeL, sAyAnG sAyaNg*
CuTe mAaa?? piGGy giRls xp
25 June 2009
bUy mE tiS Okieee.. xp
ii wAnNa eAt tiS!!!
go mArk & SpEnCeR bUy fOr mE kAes!
$2.50 OnLy!!
rEmEmbEr aR!!!
20 June 2009
bOohOo tOday sUppOse tO gO Out dE
bUddEn rUrU dArLiNg sUddEnLy gOt sOmethiNg On..
cAnnOt gO Out lE..T_T
bUt ii uTd lAa dArliNg..^^
hOpefuLLy wE cAn mEet uP tMl kAes ^^
jUx nOw aSk jiAn xiOng hOw taLL,
hE rEplied: 1.69
dEn aFt tAr: mm
Wa liAo cOpycAt riGht hUh..
Ytd sAy ii Nv UpdAte blOg, sAy tiLL ps..
gOt fOrcEd tO updAte T_T
Naz sEnt mE a Msg yTd sAyiNg: 送你一朵玫瑰花今天晚上拿给你 ok?
ii wAs like: lOls?
tOt hE wAs jOkiNg,
ii dOnt tiNk hE uTd wAt hE jUx sEnt cOx hE cAnt rEad chiNesE wAt..
aT aRd 11+pm ii wAs OutsiDe,
didNt hEar my phOne riNgiNg..
gOt hiS miSsed cAll,
dEn hE sAid hE wAs uNdeR my blOck bOut 15min agO..
Oops xp
im sO sOrry NaZ =x
18 June 2009
Oo gOsh my dEar siS jUx wOke up lOrr!
hEllOoo giRl..
wAt tiMe iZzit aLr hUh...
sLp liKe a piG lOrr..
bTw ii jUx tOld jiAn XiOng bOut hiS niCk..
hE fiNd it wiErd tOo lOrr..
nOw hiS niCk is :
March Sideway Because Happiness Is By Your Side
niCe rite! xp
ii wAs chAttiNg wiTh jiAn XiOng On mSn dEn ii nOtice hiS niCk wAs:
March Forward, Happiness Is By Your Side
dEn ii tOt fOr awhiLe..
hE's rEaLLy wiErd lOrr..
hAppiNeSs is by yOur sidE dEn eUu sHd mArch sidEwAys wAt! wHy mArch fOrwArd fOr wAt?
ii fiNd it sUper fUnny!
bUt hAvEn teLL hiM yEt..
*Ouch tUmmy cRamp!*
17 June 2009
Oops sOrry blOggeRs lOng tiMe nO blOg! xp
jUx gOt diSchArgE On sAt T_T
hAd my AppEndix chOp chOp chOp!
10th juNe 2009
wEnt tO wOrk iN tHe mOrniNg EveN tHOugh my tUmmy & fEvEr sAys nO cOx ii wAs hOldiNg On tO tHe kEys & cHlOe dArlIng tOday Off..
aRRived at 9.50am..*sUper eArLy! dAmn it!*
jEnnifEr dArliNg cAme & wAs liKe: "wAt haPpEn? aRe eUu siCk?"
fOrced mysElf tO wOrk tiLL aUnty jEss & UncLe RowlAnd cAme in at aRd 1++pm
yEah nOw ii cAn gO hOme cOx tHey sAy ii lOok tOo pAle tO wOrk xp
rEachEd hOme tOok my tEmpEratUre @ 3+pm*38.7 °C*
Okie tAke a Nap girL..
wOke Up at 5+pm, tOok my tEmpEratUre aGn *38.9 °C*
qUite wOrriEd aLr, cOx Of tHe sWiNe fLu cAse..
wEnt tO tHe dOctOr, tEmpEratUre sHoOt tO *39.3 °C*
ii wAs liKe Oo Shiit!
tHe dOc pReSs pReSs my stOmaCh abit & sUspEct aPpeNdix iNfEctiOn..
Wow lUcky nOt sWiNe fLu! xp
Admitted tO CGH: 10th juNe 2009
SurgEry: 11th juNe 2009
DiscHarGed: 13th juNe 2009
tOtaL nO Of nEedLe hOles: 6 T_T
VisitOrs: MuMmy, dAddy, jOey, pOpO, gOng gOng, xiAoshU,
lEehan, Edwin, RyAn, biRdy, mEl, rUrU, aUnty sEreNe & aMk aUnty
*gUess ii didNt miSs oUt aNyoNe ritE?*
oKie lAa tAts aLL fOlks!
tHe pAtiEnt nEeds rEst aLr!