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20 April 2009

tOopit cUstOmEr!
mAke mE kAnNa nAg by bOsS sOo mAny tiMes tiLL ii lOst cOuNt..
nO wOndEr bUy 4D aLsO nv wiN!
sOo kE liAn..
whErE gOt PpL cAnCeL ordEr hAlf an hOur lAta dE,
plUs ii aLr tOld hiM thE wAitiNg tiMe wAs 45min-1hour wAt..
iF caNnOt wAit dOnt F*ckiNg OrdEr lAa..
wAstiNg Our tiMe & effOrt riTe..
tiNk vEry fUnNy mEh..
F*ckiNg idiOt!
dEn fEw miNs lAta cOme anOther idiOt,
hEr oRdEr wAs 29.90 & wAs chArgEd tO hEr cReditcArd
whEn tHe AidEiyL lEt hEr siGn, sHe rEfUsed lEh, sHe sAy sHe wAnts uS tO cHargE hEr 30.00..
gOt tOo mUch mOnEy iZzit, F*ckiNg dUmb AsS!
dEn briNg bAck tHe rEcEipt rEpriNt a nEw oNe..
rEpRiNt aLsO wrOng lEh, stiLL kAnNa F*ck by bOsS..
hEr tOopit 10cents tipS gOt mE sOo mUch nAggiNg..
bUt mOst fUnny pArt iS wHeN ii wAs asOrbiNg aLL tHe nAggiNg,
Syah stOod bEhiNd tHe "waLL" & mAke fuNny fAcEs bOut tHe bOsS,
ii cOuLdnt hElp it & ii brOke iNtO lAughtEr..
lOls sUpEr fuNny!
my bOsS wAs rEaL mAd lOrr cOx hE's sO rudE mAa..
dEn tiS tiMe iS hiS tuRn..

love notes @ 1:00:00 AM

11 April 2009

jUx fiNiSh my gAme of wAhjOng..^^
lUck nOt sO gOod tOday..
pLayed fOr sOo mAny hOurs tiLL ii fOrgOttEn tO tAke my diNNeR..
sOo hUngRy nOw, bUt cAnnOt eAt..
cOx hEard OtHeRs sAy if eUu eAt aFtEr dUnnO 9pm or 11pm
wiLL gEt fAt vEry eAsiLy dE..
sOo kE LiAn cAnnOt eAt..T_T
nOw hAvE tO gO & Orh Orh lE..
tMl stiLL gOtta wAkE uP at 6.30am fOr wOrk..
niTe niTe aLL!

love notes @ 12:30:00 AM

08 April 2009

sUppOse tO gO Gym wiTh sHahidAh dArLiNg tOdAy,
bUt ii wAs tOo tiRed & hAvE nO sTrEnGth tO eXeRciSe,
sO ii sUggEst tO jUx gO sWeNsEn..
tiS dArLiNg aLsO vEry wiErd riTe?
sHe kEep cOmpLaiNiNg hEr tUmMy vEry biG,
dEn sHe stiLL cAn sUggEst tO gO sWeNsEn aFt Gym eUu knOw!
sHe mEet mE at 1.30pm, dEn sAy sHe'll bE abit lAte..
dEn sHe 2.15pm dEn cOme eUu knOw!!
lUckiLy ii nv cOme sOo eArLy, rEachEd at 1.55pm..
tiS sHahidAh ar..rEaLLy "ta malu"..lOlx
rEachEd sWeNsEn at bOut 2.30pm..
tHe stUpid rEd uNifOrm mAlAy wAitrEsS sUpEr rUde lOrr,
ii aSk hEr tO hElp uS tO tAke piCtUre,
sHe sAy wAit & nv gEt bAck tO uS lOrr..
dEn ii wEnt tO aSk tHe whiTe uNifOrm chiNese wAitrEsS tO hElp uS,
aT lEast sHe's 100% mUch mOre pOliTe tHaN tHe pReviOus oNe..
nOt tAt im rAciSt eUu knOw, eVeN sHahidAh tiNks sO!
& sHe stiLL gOt tHe cHeEk tO StAnd tHerE & fLiRt wiTh hEr cOllEgUes..
sUch a B*TCH!
AiyAaa..sHd tAke a piCtuRe Of hEr stUpid fAce & pOst it hEre!
Nvm, iF nExt wEek ii gO, ii'll sUReLy tAke a piCtUre Of hEr..
wE stAyed, Chit cHat tiLL aLmOst 5pm dEn wE lEft &
hEaded tO sHahidAh's hOmE tO tAke tHe cAke..
lEft hEr at aRd 5.30pm T_T
OutiNg AGaiN kAes dArLiNg! ^^

love notes @ 11:30:00 PM

yTd wEnt fiShErmAn tO cElEbRaTe wEiLoNg's biRthdAy
OpEn 1 bOttLe Of mArteLL fOr $130 ii tiNk (*hEex nOt ii pAy oNe xp)
wE plAyed pOkErcArds & hE lOsEs tHe mOst lAa (*ObviOusLy..*)
bUt im sOo SwAy lOrr, dUnNo iZZit hE pAsSes hE bAd lUck tO mE lOrr..
On thE wAy tO tHe tOilEt riGht, ii rEaLiZe One Of tHe hEeLs tO my shOes cAme Off lOrr..
ZzZzZzZz..sUpEr piSsEd! nO chOicE lOrr ii'vE tO pUll bOth my hEeLs Out,
lUckiLy stiLL cAn wAlk..hEex
dEn cAme bAck hOme at aRd 10.30 tiS mOrniNg lOrr..
lAtA gOiNg tO mEet sHahidAh dArLiNg at 1.30pm..^^

love notes @ 10:54:00 AM

06 April 2009

tOday wEnt ChiNatOwn eAt FrOg lEg PoRRidGe,
tiS staLL rEaLLy ridiculous!
tHe siGnbOard's pRiCinG wAs $16
dEn whEn pAymEnt tHeRe wAs aCtuaLLy a 7% GST chArgE lOrr..
tHe stUpid siGnbOard wAs tO miSlEd tHe cUstOmeRs lOrr,
wAts tHe pOint Of pUtiNg tHe siGnbOard??

wHy aRe tHeRe GST chArgEs iN a cOffEee shOp???

diShOnEst hAwkEr!
nOw eUu knOw lE arr..
nExt tiMe dOnt gO tHerE eAt kAes..

love notes @ 11:36:00 PM

NobOdy is pErfEct, tAt ii AlwAx bEliEvE..
ii cAnt sAy tAt ii aLwaX did my vEry bEst,
bUt ii tRy tO giB my bEst iN eVeRytiMe..
SeRiOuSLy spEakiNg,
wAts tHe pOiNt tRyiNg tO pLeAsE OtHeRs,
wAt dO ii gEt?
cHiNeSe sAyiNG: "结果只是吃力不讨好"
(*iN tHe eNd eUu aRe tHe oNe sUffEriNg*)
sOmEtiMes whEn im sOo uPsEt & ii dOnt fEeL liKe sMiLiNg,
ii stiLL hAve tO fOrce a sMiLe Out Of nOwHeRe,
iF ii dOnt OtHeRs miGht mAke StuPid cOmmEnts liKe sHe's sOo pROud,
sHe's sOo sTuck uP & wAt eVeR sHiit..
ArGh! jUx gEt lOst OkiEeee..

love notes @ 11:26:00 PM

03 April 2009

jUx gOt thEse piCtuRes fRom bRotHeR jOngzzz
Arghx my cOm iS sUper lAg nOw..
29th mArch 2009
Okieee aNywAy, pLaNNer fOr tiS OutiNg is my dArliNg sHahidAh!
aRRaNgEd tO mEet at 2pm bUt sHe aLmOst 3pm dEn cOmEe!
sHe tHiCk sKiN riTe, mAke ppL wAit sOo lOnG aLsO nOt ps..
wEnt sHaw hOuse tO sLack, dRank my MoCha iCe-bLendEd, tOok piCtuRes & dEn sLack aGaiN..
it wAs rAiNiNg!
wE wErE liKe sTucK aT sHaw HouSe fOr dUnnO hOw lOng bEfOre wE dEcide tO hEad fOr CiNeLeiSuRe tO cAtch a MoviE..

bRoThErs & SiStas

mE & bRoTher jOngzzz( *hAhA sHahidAh tEach mE oNe xp)
Eewww, oUr sMeLLy feets!
fRoNt: KaysOn, Jas, mE, ShiYun
Back: KaiMinG, bRotHeR jOngzzz, PrisciLLa dArLiNg, ShahidAh dArliNg, NatAsHa
piCtUre tAkEn aFter Our mOvie : uNbOrn..
DaMn fReaky shOw, ii wAs liKe cOvEriNg my fAce & gRabbiNg sHahidAh's aRm tHrOughOut thE shOw..(*sOrry dArLiNg fOr gRabbiNg yOuR aRms sO hArd xp)
aFtEr tiS piCtuRe ii wEnt Off lE..hEex ^^
BuAis fOlks..
mOre CSCU1 OutiNg cOmiNg up sOon riTe! ^^

love notes @ 11:50:00 PM

ღ loved


.ღ.eAst cOaSt pRi.ღ.
.ღ.mAnjUsRi sEc.ღ.
.ღ.tEmAsEk PoLy.ღ.

Birthday: .ღ.l7.o4.??.ღ.

About The Girl:
.ღ.cRazy bOut piNk.ღ.
.ღ.luRvEs gOthiC stUff.ღ.
.ღ.hAtes hypOcRitEs.ღ.

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when u smile I check u out,
But u don't even know my name,
You're too busy joking,

And I want you to know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?

ღ please

a iphone4
a pink laptop
a driving license
a pink car
a strawberry

ღ whisper

ღ thanks

x x x x x