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27 March 2009

im sOo siCk..
wOke up yTd mOrNiNg, my thrOat wAs liKe bUrNiNg & my MuCuS iS dRippiNg liKe tAp wAter lOrr..(*GrOsS*)
tEmpEratUre wAs 36.2°C..
tOdAy ii wOke uP my tEmpErAtUre wAs 37.8°C!!
my mUm gAve mE sOme mEdicAtiOn dEn wEnt fOr a shOrt nAp dEn wHen ii wOke up, mY riGht Eye wAs sOo swOlleN liKe gOnNa pOp Out aLr..
Oo gOd sHe fEd mE pAnAdO!!
im sUpEr aLLegiC tO pAnAdO!!

love notes @ 8:54:00 PM

22 March 2009

Day 1:

ChiAnG mAi's ScEnaRy
The TiNgs wE aTe..
Dim sUm!!
GrOsS fOod..

My 1st gRaSshOppEr..
Day 2:
In tHe vAn

Elephant Camp

Hot SpriNg

mAkiNg hArdbOiLed eGGs
Day 3:


My diNNeR..

Day 4:

SeLLing Buddha

Our DiNNeR..

Day 6:

Uncle's hOuse! qUite biG bUt tOo bAd nO sWiMMiNg pOoL..


Day 7:

mUshrOom sOup, my fAvoUrite! yUmmy!


BehiNd tHe bOoth..

Day 8:

tHeiR wEt mArkEt..sOo mEssy

On tHe pLane..

UnCle, pOpO & jOey!

My diNNeR: ChiCkEn Rice!

love notes @ 11:06:00 PM

15 March 2009

tAatAa ppL~
im gOing tO ChiAnG mAi!
im waitiNg fOr my fLiGht..
iTs qUite gOod hOrr, stiLL gOt iNteRnEt uSaGe..
hAas jUx nOw my pOpO dE fOod gOt cOnfiscAted cOx gOt liQuid cOntEnts..
aSk hEr dOnt pUt in my bAg sHe dOnt liSteN tO mE, sEe lAa..
ii wAnNa bUy pErfUmEe, bUt itS sO eX lEh..
lEehAn mSg mE aSk mE tO gUai gUai..
lOls siNce whEn ii wAsnt gUai riGht..wAahAahAa
EdWiN jUx caLLed tO wiSh mE hAve a sAfe tRip,
yTd hE kEep aSkinG mE tO tAke cAre, tAke cAre & tAke cAre..
hAahAa liKe im gOinG tO diE lE..
& thE ryAn aR kEep aSkiNg mE tO bUy hiM tiNgs..
ii dOnt cAre lAa, ii nO $$ lE lAa..
eUu wAit tiLL ii gOt $$ lOrr..lOlx..
pApA mAmA wEnt gEntiNg tiS mOrniNg &
pApA jUx caLLed sAy mAmA rEalise sHe lOst hEr hAndbAg On tHe wAy tO gEntiNg..
hEr bAg cOntAin hEr pAsSpOrt,wAllEt & hp..
Oo my gOodnEss..sHe aCtuaLLy lEft it iNsiDe thE tOilEt..
sUpEr cAreLeSs lOrr..
lUckiLy sHe wAs abLe tO fiNd iT..
nO mOre tOilEt bReAks mUmmy!!
hEex kAes lAa..
gOiNg Off lE lAa..
tAke cArex ya..
lUrvEe eUu aLL!!
bUais siNgapOre!!
sEeya oN 22nd..

love notes @ 2:20:00 PM

12 March 2009

sO mAny tiNgs hAppEn iN suCh a shOrt whiLe..
ii knOw ii didNt mAnaGe iT weLL eNuff..
mY pAreNts wAs liKe kEep QuEstiOniNg mE..
ii dUnnO hOw aM ii sUppOse tO pUt it..
ii rEaLLy hAve nO iNteNtiOn Of hUrtiNg aNyOne..
if ii knEw tiS wAs OutcOmE, ii wldnt hAve stArted..
eVeRyoNe by nOw wiLL tiNk iM vEry hEaRtLeSs..
nObOdy rEaLLy uNdErstAnd hOw ii feLt at tAt veRy mOmeNt..
ii wAs StRuggLinG tO gEt thRu tiS..
ii wAs cRyiNg whEn my pOpO caLLed mE..
ii wAs cRyiNg whEn my mUm sEnt mE tAt mSg..
ii wAs cRyiNg whEn ii've nObOdy tO tuRn tO..
ii wldNt sAy by nOw tAt im tHe sAddeSt..
whEn jUnAidi sAy "Wei She Me Yuhui?"
ii wAs like aSkiNg mYsElf "wHy did ii dO tAt?
wHy did ii hUrt tHe oNes whO lUrve mE?"
Mark wAs riGht, oNcE eUu mAde tiS deCisiOn,
eUu cAn nEvEr tUrn bAck..
ii knOw ii hUrt eUu bAdLy..
aLL ii cAn sAy nOw iTs im sOrry..
im sOrry fOr giviNg eUu hOpe..
im sOrry tAt ii didNt lUrvE eUu aS mUch aS eUu dO..
im sOrry fOr hUrtiNg eUu..
im rEaLLy vEry sOrry bOut eVeRythiNg..

love notes @ 1:50:00 AM

ღ loved


.ღ.eAst cOaSt pRi.ღ.
.ღ.mAnjUsRi sEc.ღ.
.ღ.tEmAsEk PoLy.ღ.

Birthday: .ღ.l7.o4.??.ღ.

About The Girl:
.ღ.cRazy bOut piNk.ღ.
.ღ.luRvEs gOthiC stUff.ღ.
.ღ.hAtes hypOcRitEs.ღ.

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when u smile I check u out,
But u don't even know my name,
You're too busy joking,

And I want you to know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?

ღ please

a iphone4
a pink laptop
a driving license
a pink car
a strawberry

ღ whisper

ღ thanks

x x x x x