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26 January 2009

Nah..pOst fOr eUu lOrr..
ii sOo kE LiAn, hE fOrCe mE tO pOst lEh..
lOlx..jk ar..

(*SoRRy ShAwN fOr cOvEriNg Ur fAce*)

ChiAt hEnG & mE aCtiNg cUte =x

stOp bEiNg a bAby laa bRotHeR

yEar 1 mAtes..

yEar 2 mAtes

yEar 3 mAtes..

hEhE..mE & jUn alwAx wiTh hiM

Ooh gOsh..IMAGINE!

love notes @ 11:32:00 PM

Hiie ya all..Happy MooMoo Year! Waahaahaa..
bEen a lOng tiMe siNce ii bLog lE..
bOohOo..im fEeLiNg sOo bOred nOw..
my pArEnts aRe gAmbLinG nOw & tAts oNe tiNg ii hAte mOst in my LiFee..
bOred tO dEath lE..*Oops tOuCh wOod!*
ArGh!! ii wAnNa gOo hOme!!!
TmL nO sChOoL & ii gOt nO aPpOintmEnt..sOo sAd..
fAstEr dAte mE lAaaa!!
tOday iS cAsS & RyAn's BdAy!
& ii wiSh tHem aLL tHe bEst iN wAteVer stUff..hEhE..

love notes @ 10:29:00 PM

23 January 2009

fAster SmiLe pLz tEleCoM zOmbiEsss..
ii wAnNa gOo fOr my nAfa lE lAaa..

love notes @ 10:48:00 PM

16 January 2009

tOday is Our 31st mOnth aNnivErsAry..
sUppOse tO bE hAppy bUt...
tOday wAnNa gO jOhn lil SaLes aFt sChOoL,
sO dReSs up abit lOrr..
CoMpAriNg with lAst tiMe,
nOwadAys ii aLsO seLdOm dReSs up fOr sChOoL lE..
wEnt tO nEtiNfrA lAb cOx iAn's gRoUp nEeded heLp..
sAt oUtsidE tHe lAb tOkiNg On tHe fOne wiTh tHe tEachEr,
dEn dArr cAmE..
aFt eVerythiNg wAs dOne, ii nOtiCed hE lOok vEry piSsed,
sOo aS a Gf tHe lEast ii cOuLd dO wAs tO shOw sOme cOncErn,
aLthOugh ii wAs rEaLLy uNwiLLinG tO dO so cOx ii dEfiNiteLy knOw
iTs bOut mE & my dReSsiNg..
trUe eNuff lOrr, hE sAid wHen ii wAs tOkiNg On tHe fOne,
a gRoUp Of bOys wAlk pAsS StaRiNg aT mE & mAkiNg cOmMeNts..
ii hAve nO idEa wAt tHey sAid bUt dEfiNiteLy nOthiNg niCe laa..
sOmetiMes gUys is LidAt, lOw mOral..
dEn aLL tHe cOmMoTiOn stArts..
ii sAt aT a cOrnEr,
dEn hE wAlked oVer & sAid hE's nOt gOiNg lE..
ii wAs liKe "Okie, fine..ByeBye tHen"
wEnt hOme, CriEd my hEart Out..
hAd nO idEa wHy ii cRied..
pErhAps ii feLt tiRed..
tiRed Of bEiNg OvErProTeCted..
tiRed Of bEiNg cOntroLLed..
& tHe mOst tiRed tiNg Of aLL is..
im rEaLLy rEaLLy tiRed Of gEttiNg blAmE,
gEtiiNg bLaMe fOr wAt OthErs sAid Or dO..
eNuff pLs stOp aLL pAin..
dO eUu hAve aNy idEa hOw pAthEtiC ii sOund riGht nOw..
dO eUu hAve aNy idEa hOw hArd ii tRied..
eUu aLwAx fEeL tAt ii dOnt lUrvE eUu eNuff,
dO eUu rEaLLy knOw wAt eXaCtLy is lUrVe?
eUu nv OnCe feLt prOud tO hAve mE..

love notes @ 2:45:00 PM

14 January 2009

nO cOmMon tOpic..
a siMpLe chat cAn lEad tO aLmOst qUarrEl..
hE tiNks tAt ii aLwAx stAnd On OthEr's Side..
bUt didnt hE hiMseLf did tAt to me tOo?
ii jUx fEeL tAt sOmetiMes
wE dOnt nEed tO bOthEr bOut wAt OthErs sAy..
iF wE cAre tOo mUch, oUr mOod gEts aFFeCted..
wAts tHe pOint riGht..
mAybe iTs eAsy tO sAy lAa..
bUt ii kNow im abLe tO dO tAt..

love notes @ 11:55:00 PM

wEnt tO mEet Up wiTh my GrOup mEmbErs
tO pRactiCe fOr oUr pRoj Part2..
did fOr 3.5hOurs..
fiNaLLy its cOmpLeted!!
cHeErs gUys!
Euu gUys Rox!

love notes @ 4:37:00 PM

08 January 2009

jUx hUng Up tHe pHoNe wiTh dArrdArr..
Our caLL lAsted fOr bOut 16min, bUt tHrOuGhOut tHe whOle cOnvErsAtiOn wE wEre liKe "Em", "hUh", "Orh"..
rEaLLy gOt nOthiNg tO tOk lE..
PpL aLwAx sAy "Euu wiLL utd eAch otHer beTTeR as tHe tiMe gOes by"
bUt aS tiMe pAsS, ii fEeL tAt wE aRe gEttiNg eVeN mOre "UnfAmiliAr" wiF eAch Other..
iTs LikE wE're dRiftiNg fUrtHeR aPart lE..
mAybE ii jUx tiNk tOo mUch lE lAa..
ii gUeSs wE're bOth tOo bUsy wiF sChOoL & wOrk lE..
gUess tiS hAppEn tO mOst cOupLes bAa..
*hAnG iN tHeRe SwEetiE!*

love notes @ 11:26:00 PM

07 January 2009

tOopit nUt aSk mE tO hElp hiM bUy fOolsCap pApEr..
ii wAlk tiLL tHe bOokshOp tHeRe lE dEn hE teLL mE hE aLr bOuGht iT..
sOoo tiRed stiLL mUx wAlk sOo fArr..
iF ii nEbeR bUy fOr hiM hOrr, hE'LL sUreLy sAy ii dUn cAre bOut hiM, sAy hE vEry kE LiAn lAa etc..
tOopit stiLL dAre tO teLL mE wAt ExErCiSe..
& hOrr hE speLL WrOngLy lOrr, hE SpeLL EXACISE lEh..
sOoo tOopit ExErCiSe aLsO dUnnO hOw tO SpeLL..

love notes @ 7:01:00 PM

06 January 2009

1st EpisOde fOr UndEr tHe CanOpy Of LovE..
tiS is tHe 2nd tiMe i'm wAtchiNg tiS shOw lE & i'm stiLL lOvinG it!
hiGhLy ReCoMMended tO wAtch!

Kevin & Nikki

love notes @ 11:05:00 PM

05 January 2009

BoOhOo tOday's tHe lAst EpisOde Of lil Nyonya and Miss No gOod..
lil Nyonya's eNdiNg is rEaLLy diSappOiNtiNg & stUpid..
StUpid RobErt ZhAnG diEee diEe diEe!
hAte it!!

wAahAahAa..tiS piCtUre liKe sOo fUnny hOrr..
sEe jOaNne pEh..sO nOtti..

She lOok sO pRetty in tiS piCtuRe!

Miss No gOod stiLL nOt bAd lAa..
fUnny eNdiNg..

love notes @ 10:40:00 PM

ღ loved


.ღ.eAst cOaSt pRi.ღ.
.ღ.mAnjUsRi sEc.ღ.
.ღ.tEmAsEk PoLy.ღ.

Birthday: .ღ.l7.o4.??.ღ.

About The Girl:
.ღ.cRazy bOut piNk.ღ.
.ღ.luRvEs gOthiC stUff.ღ.
.ღ.hAtes hypOcRitEs.ღ.

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when u smile I check u out,
But u don't even know my name,
You're too busy joking,

And I want you to know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?

ღ please

a iphone4
a pink laptop
a driving license
a pink car
a strawberry

ღ whisper

ღ thanks

x x x x x