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29 August 2008

tAts my FavoUriTe, SalmOn 'N' mUshrOom pAsta!

ChEesE sTiCks..*DrOoLiNg*

Say ChEeSe!

Ooh gOd..lOok at tHoSe eye bAgs..

sHort-siGhted Old mAn ReAdiNg mEnu..wAhahax

HaaGen Dazs's iCe-cReam

love notes @ 11:00:00 PM

21 August 2008

tOdAy ii wAs teLLingiNg zHiwEi & pEiLiN bOut gOinG tO siNgapOre fLyeR oN sAt wiF dArrdArr, dEn sUddEnLy dArrdArr CaLLed & sAy wE caNnOt gO lE cOx gOtta wOrk..
Argh! dEn hAve tO gib aWay tHe tiCkeTs tO zHiWei..
*RyAn's fAuLt!*
*sObs* tHeRe gOes my siNgapOre fLyeR tiCkEt..

love notes @ 9:55:00 AM

18 August 2008

hAis tOdAy PR2 & im tHe lAst gRoUp..
dAmn! 2.45pm lEh..
wAit tiLL sUpEr nErvOus..
aCtUaLLy qUitE cOnfidEnt wiF my wOrk dE..
ToMmy tAi lOok qUite iMpReSs mAa...
bUddEn alOng tHe iNteRviEw, im gEttiNg mOre & mOre dEmOraLizEd..
1 Of thE jUdgE sAy: "tAts aLL fOr yOuR PrOjEct?"
& nOw im cRaCkiNg my hEad tO mOdiFy my stUff..
gOd pLeAsE hElp mE gEt tHrOugh my MP/SIP wiTh gOod gRades, iN tHe nAme Of jEsUs, Amen..

love notes @ 9:36:00 PM

17 August 2008

jAne bOuGht mE a pReSeNt, a piNk tOp!
lUrVe it sOo mUch..

sEe..NiCe RiGht..

love notes @ 11:47:00 PM

15 August 2008

wAntEd tO aCcOmpANy eUu, bUt ii rEaLiZe eUu aRe bEtteR Off wiThOut mE, eUu dUn eVeN nEed mE..
wHy did ii fOllOw?
wHy did ii wAnNa mAkE MySeLf fEeL sAd?
wHy aM ii sOo stUpid?
wHy did ii mAke bEliEve tAt eUu WeRe tHeRe?
yOuR wOrLd iS sOo fArr awAy frOm mE..

love notes @ 10:34:00 PM

14 August 2008

hEex..gOt LOA tiS AftErNoOn tO aTteNd sTuDy aWaRd pReSeNtAtiOn..
sO hAppy tAt ii gOt thE aWaRd & mAke my fAmiLy pRoUd..
ii OpeN thE aWard & sAw my nAmE wriTTeN On tHe ChEqUe! YES!!
gOt $700 eXtRa pOckEt mOnEy!
my dAd mUx bE sOo sAd iTs nOt hiS nAme..
bUt ii PrOmiSe tO giB hiM $200..

love notes @ 10:30:00 PM

11 August 2008

lAst dAy at MediaCorp & ii cAuGht FeLiciA ChiN!

ChiCkEn PorridGe, my mOn,Wed,ThuRs,Fri's Lunch at MediaCorp

Can Euu bEliEve iT..

eVeRy tUesdAy i'LL eAt IpOh hOrfUn..*Mmm..tAsty*

CeLebRatiNg PeLiN's biRthdAy wiF CoLLegUe on 24th JuLy

bUttEr pRaWnS & cHiCken tiNgy

tOufu & VeGe, my fAvOuritE..

lOoks & tAstE liKe shArk's fiN, bUts iTs "sZe ChUaN tAnG"

tiS BaLey dRiNk iS GrOsS, lOoks liKe cUm..*pUke*

love notes @ 8:14:00 PM

08 August 2008

sUpEr tiRed tOdAy..
gOt a RepOrt tO rUsh aNd my cOm is dOwn..
sUpEr sWay..
LuCkiLy ii bOrrOwEd RyAn's Lappy..
dUnnO izzit cOnSidEred LuCky Or UnLuCky..
OkiEe ii mUx admit la, hE rEaLLy gOt aLot of pOrn..
*gOsh* tOo mAny..lOlx
MaybE ii tOo itChy hAnd sO ii cOntiNuE ExplOre lOrr..
Or mAybE hE jUx wAnNa lEt mE knOw wHats hAppEniNg iN sChooL..
aNywAy, ii jUx sAw it La..
iF ii sAy ii cAnt bE bOthEred by whAt tAt pErsOn sAid, ii mUx bE LyiNg..
bUt sEriOusLy ii mUx sAy *wAt an aSs, Zzz*
ii cAnt bE bOthEred tO eXpLaiN..
cOx wHat ii fEeL is tAt, whEn eUu aRe sAyiNg tiNgs bAd bOut sOmeOne, PleAsE fOr gOodNeSs sAkE, lOok at yOursElf
oKiEe UntiL tiS pOint Of tiMe, ii rEaLLy cAnt bE bOthEred & wiLL pRetEnd ii sAw nOthiNg..
As lOnG RyAn dOnt tiNk tAt wAy, im fiNe wiF aLL thE aSs..
lAst bUt nOt lEaSt, ii WaNna ThAnk RyAn fOr StaNdiNg Up fOr mE..
*oKie bAck tO my rEpoRt & hOpefUlly nOtHiNg aFFeCts mE*

love notes @ 10:21:00 PM

01 August 2008

Omg my fiRst tiMe giB Jeanette Aw!
ii gAthEr aLL my cOurAge tO aSk hEr eUu knOw..
sUpeR bRaVe riTe..
sOo sCarEd sHe'LL rEjEct mE..
bUt Shes sOo FriEndLy..
And sUpeR cUtEe..
NeXt wEek iS my lAst wEek wiTh mEdiAcOrp lE, sO mUx tAke mOre piCtUre wiTh hEr.. SimpLy lUrVe hEr!
LuCky mE!

Jeanette Aw in hEr "Little Nonya" Outfit

love notes @ 1:54:00 PM

Oo gOd..TodAys tHe FiRst dAy Of hUnGry ghOst fEstiVaL!!
dOnt lEt tHeM gEt eUu..
jUx brOke mY fAvOuRitE HeLLo kiTTy MirrOr, Damn it!
dUnnO if ii wiLL hAvE bAdLuCk..
AnywAy tOdays a fridAy, sO chEeR Up!
Lata iN tHe eVeNiNg, gOnna wAtCh "MoNey nOt eNuff 2", iT bEttEr bE gOod!
OkiEe Laa, ii bEttEr StArt cRaCkiNg nOw!

love notes @ 9:32:00 AM

ღ loved


.ღ.eAst cOaSt pRi.ღ.
.ღ.mAnjUsRi sEc.ღ.
.ღ.tEmAsEk PoLy.ღ.

Birthday: .ღ.l7.o4.??.ღ.

About The Girl:
.ღ.cRazy bOut piNk.ღ.
.ღ.luRvEs gOthiC stUff.ღ.
.ღ.hAtes hypOcRitEs.ღ.

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when u smile I check u out,
But u don't even know my name,
You're too busy joking,

And I want you to know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?

ღ please

a iphone4
a pink laptop
a driving license
a pink car
a strawberry

ღ whisper

ღ thanks

x x x x x