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12 February 2008

tOdAy ii sUddEnLy fElt liKe aSkiNg hiM tHeiR cHinEse nAmEs, dEn aFt tAt ii cAsUaLLy aSk if hE rEmeMbEred tHeiR nUmbErs..hE sAid No, bUt gOt oNe oF tHeiR nUmbEr..
hE sAid iN cAse sHe mSg n wiSh hiM hApPy biRthdAy dEn hE'll kNoW wHo thE sEndEr is & cAn rEpLy tHank eUu..

im cOnfUse eUu kNow..my hEart teLLs mE iTs mOre tHaN tAt..
thOugh ii mUx sAy iTs a dAmn sMaLL mAttEr..
mAybE iTs tHe lEveL oF fAiRnEsS im gEttiNg cOmpAre tO His..
dEn ii sAid: "Euu tOld mE nOt tO cOntAct hiM, nO aNsweRiN hiS caLLs & nO rEpLyiN of mSgs..aNd nOw eUu aRe teLLiN me eUu wAnNa rEpLy a tHank yOu?"
hE rEpLied: "sHe's nOt mY ex"
mY hEaRt iS sAyiNg "aRe eUu tRyiNg tO tEll mE eUu cAn cOntAct a wHoLe fUckiNg lOad of girLs cOx eUu hAve gOt nO ex??"
wAt iS tiS?
cAn eUu pLs tEll mE?
iS nOt tAt im dyiNg tO cOntAct hiM..
bUt ii cAn tEll eUu tAt ii dUn wiSh tO cOntAct hiM at aLL..
bUt iT sEemS liKe mAybE eUu wiLL liKe a cHaNge iN tAstE..
if eUu aRe uNawAre oF tiS..ii rEaLLy wAnt eUu tO kNow tAt im rEaLLy piSsed Off..
[sarah+wendy=yuhui?] ii rEaLLy dOnt liKe tAt..iT iS eUu tAt cAnt fOrgEt..
ii lUrVe eUu fOr whO eUu aRe, nOt whO oTherS aRe..
iTs Not tHe aMoUnt Of mOnEy eUu spEnt oN mE = eUu lUrvE mE..
eUu rEaLLy did alOt fOr mE & shOwEred mE wiF lOads oF lUrve & cAre bEfOre..
bUt aFt tOdAy..mY hEart iS lOst..*sigh*

love notes @ 10:44:00 PM

10 February 2008

ii dUnnO wHy...wHy hE keep aSkin bOut my pAst.. sO mAny tiMes, eVen if ii tOld hiM, hE'll stiLL gO aRoUnd aSkiNg..hE eVen aSk my siStEr..eXcUse mE? sHe's jUx a kiD, a 1o yeAr oLd kiD..ii dUnNo & ii dOnt uNdeRstAnd..bUt ii dOnt wiSh tO uNdErstAnd..hE sAid ii stiLL rEmEmbeR(lh), bUt hE kEep aSkiNg, hOw cAn ii nOt rEmEmbEr?? ii sEriOusLy dO nOt wAnNa rEmeMbeR..mAybE hE rEaLLy hAs lOtx of dOubts..
bUt ii rEaLLy cAnt heLp hIm..cOx iTs rEaLLy uP tO hiM tO bEliEve iT..
hE dOnt uNdeRstAnd mE, neitHer dO ii uNdeRstAnd hIm..
[hAviNg thOught Of tAt, ii rEaLLy fEeL LikE cRyiNg] *siGh*
ii rEaLLy wAnNa teLL hiM ii hAte hiM, ii hAte hiM fOr mAkiNg mE cRy..
ii dUnNo wAt ii shOuLd dO..pErhAps hE cAn tEll mE..

love notes @ 11:46:00 PM

ღ loved


.ღ.eAst cOaSt pRi.ღ.
.ღ.mAnjUsRi sEc.ღ.
.ღ.tEmAsEk PoLy.ღ.

Birthday: .ღ.l7.o4.??.ღ.

About The Girl:
.ღ.cRazy bOut piNk.ღ.
.ღ.luRvEs gOthiC stUff.ღ.
.ღ.hAtes hypOcRitEs.ღ.

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when u smile I check u out,
But u don't even know my name,
You're too busy joking,

And I want you to know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?

ღ please

a iphone4
a pink laptop
a driving license
a pink car
a strawberry

ღ whisper

ღ thanks

x x x x x