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26 November 2006

eVerytiMe im oN my wAy hOme..
ii kEep hAviNg dEep tHoUgHts..
bOut mE & eUu..
ii tiNk bOut wAt ii nEed..
cOmpArE tO oTheRs, ii nEed dOubLe tHe cAre, dOubLe tHe sEcuRiTy, dOubLe tHe lUrVe..
tHeSe tiNgs sEems sO siMpLe yEt sO hArd tO FuLfiL..
tiNgs dOesnt aLwAx gO oUr wAy..
ii fEeL tAt itS mE wHo wAnNa mEet eUu bUt eUu dUn seEm sO kEen..
its whEn im mOody Or SoMetiNg gOes wRoNg, dEn eUu sHoW mOre cAre..
sOmetiMes ii rAtheR bE siCk..

.+*"*+. ii mAke bELieVe tAt eUu aRe hEre.+*"*+.

love notes @ 2:58:00 AM

22 November 2006

dAmn iT..
ii hAte sHoW Offs..
eVersiNce eNteR poLy,eVeRytiNg hAs cHanGed..
bE it mY cHaRactEr,pRinCipLe & liFeStyLe..
hOpe itS cHanGiNg fOr tHe bEtteR..
dUnnO wHy ii dUn fEeL gOod iNsiDe, ii dUn mEaN hEaLth..
jUx tAt liKe sOmEtiNg miSsiNg iN mE..
dUnnO wAt..
wHy cAnt ii bE liKe my dArr dArr n oTheRs, kiNd-hEartEd..
liKe coLdbLoOded lidAt, nO fEeLinGs dE..

love notes @ 11:37:00 PM

sO stReSs lEh..
sO mAny tEst tiS wEek..
tOdAy my dArr tEaCh mE dfUnd lEh..
hE pAtientLy tEaCh mE lEh..
nOt liKe mE, sOo iMpAtiEnt dE..
hE's sOo gReAt.. sO lUcky tO hAve hiM..
tOdAy tHey sAid hE kAnNa cOntRoL lEh..
wHeRe gOt..
nEveR cOntRoL wOrr..
tiS fEw dAys DidNt sLeEp weLL, dReAmS kEep hAuNting mE..
fEeL sO sCaReD tO sLeEp..

love notes @ 11:13:00 PM

19 November 2006

.+*"*+.oUr sToRy oUr jOurnEy .+*"*+.
hEex tOday sUddEnLy tiNk oF oUr nOob & swEet mEmOriEs..tHe fiRst tiMe wE tOk,fiRst tiMe wE hoLd, fiRst tiMe wE hUggEd, fiRst tiMe wE kiSsEd..hAa..sOo iNnoCeNt..Soo lUcky tO hAve eUu dArr..fiRst tiMe ii rEaLLy fEeL sO lUrvEd..aLthOugh sOmetiMes we'LL hAve aRgUemEntS, we'LL sTiLL soLvE it pEaCefuLLy..hEex..
im a iNsecUre pErsOn, sO tEnd tO dO fOoLiSh sTuff, aLthOugh eUu dUn uNdErstAnd bUt eUu tRiEd..sO lUcky tO hAve a uNdErsTaNdiNg dArr dArr ..lUrvE eUu sO mUch dArr dArr..
eVeRyoNe gOt nEgetiVe sidE, sO wE mUx cOmpRomiSe wiF eAch oTheR kAes..
i'LL nEvEr fOrgEt tHe dAy, 16o6o6 wE stArtEd wRitiNg oUr lUrve-StoRy..
"hOw lOng hAve wE bEen tOgEthEr" is tHe qUestiOn.
"nOt lOng eNuff" is tHe aNsweR.

tWo pEopLe
tWo miNdS
tWo sOuLs
oNe jOuRnEy

love notes @ 12:31:00 AM

ღ loved


.ღ.eAst cOaSt pRi.ღ.
.ღ.mAnjUsRi sEc.ღ.
.ღ.tEmAsEk PoLy.ღ.

Birthday: .ღ.l7.o4.??.ღ.

About The Girl:
.ღ.cRazy bOut piNk.ღ.
.ღ.luRvEs gOthiC stUff.ღ.
.ღ.hAtes hypOcRitEs.ღ.

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when u smile I check u out,
But u don't even know my name,
You're too busy joking,

And I want you to know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?

ღ please

a iphone4
a pink laptop
a driving license
a pink car
a strawberry

ღ whisper

ღ thanks

x x x x x